Path Of Exile Tips to Help You Get Started

I would say if you are new to playing path of exile, I would consider looking at but start a build to base your build off of. I only say this because while you have the freedom to choose your own build and likely will do just fine through most of the story, if you do not know the skills and support gems to combine correctly, then when you get to late an end game, you may find yourself struggling a lot. You may end up getting killed left and right, and it could cause a decent amount of frustration. And tinkering with builds is a ton of fun. But until you get the hang of the gear in the skills, Jim Synergise, following an established build isn’t anything bad at all. It just gives you a way to keep progressing while you still play with builds and designs.

Sometimes it’s better to copy the concept of another build that’s already been tested and deemed worthy by many other people so that you can properly function in the game. And while using another build as a guide, you’ll still learn a lot about the game and you’ll be able to have a better understanding of all the skills that you’re using with a better understanding. It allows you to make your own builds with a lot less frustration and a lot more excitement. Tip number two is about gems. 

Gems come in a few different types, such as active skills, support, skills or skills and even vital skills. Active skills can be maylee or spel type attacks or even mobility skills, just to name a few. Typically, a build will have you focus using one or two attack type gems that you actively cast with a bunch of support gems attached to them to boost their effectiveness. An example of this is having like a lacerates gem skill as a melee attack with multiple supports such as melee, physical support, rage, support and even multi strike support put into link sockets along with it. Usually a main attack skill will ultimately be put in something with about six links sockets with five supports added. 

Along with it, though, there are varying skill linked combinations and different builds, origins usually get utilized in separate gear sockets like gloves or helmets and sometimes have support gems attached to them as well. Or a gems give constant buffs or curses at the expense of permanently reserving a portion of your mana the whole time the skill is active.

Belgium’s are gems that are corrupted versions of normal gems and can’t be modified with orbs and the like, but usually have an additional Vall named version of the skill that can be used when you build up charges. An example of this is like a valve double strike. Gem can be socketed and use like normal. But then there will be a second skill option on your action bar for Val double strike, which will build up charges as you kill enemies. 

Then you can use the VAL version to summon two copies of yourself that use double strike along with you for a duration of time. Tip number three would be to really focus on the sockets in your gear before the stats of your gear. And having a six light chest piece, for example, is typically going to make you much more effective with skills and support gems than a high statue space that only has two to three sockets linked. 

An example of this is that most people will utilize a tabula rasa, which is a unique chest piece that can be used at any level. It has absolutely no stats, but it has six linked white sockets. This also allows them to put any combination of gems into it, making the scales much more powerful. And most people will use this chess piece right up into the end game because it’s not easy to have a high amount of linked sockets and also to have them in the color combinations that you want, especially when you’re first starting off. 

You can use chromatic orbs to alter colors and sockets. But keep in mind that if the gear has strength requirements, it’s more likely to have red sockets. If it has intelligence ones, it’s more likely to have blue sockets.

And if it has dexterity, it makes it more likely to have green sockets. You can use website tools of the overeasy calculator to help determine the best way to get the colors that you need while spending the least amount of grammatical words, sometimes using one or two at a time works best othertimes. Using a recipe from your crafting match is best for sockets you can use. 

Güler Orb’s, though specifically getting five or six sockets can be very difficult and then you can use orbs of fusing to try to link those sockets. Linking six sockets is insanely hard, potentially costing a thousand or so. Orb’s refusing to pull off, so try to use gear with the appropriate colors, sockets and lengths to get the best performance out of your character. And while stats are super important on gear, it takes second place to sockets most of the times, especially where it’s so difficult to simply get all the sockets, colors and links that you need. 

Keep in mind as well that chess pieces and two handed weapons can usually have up to six sockets max, while one handed weapons and shields have three sockets. Max and Helmes Gauntlets, gloves and boots can all have a max of four rings and amulets and belts typically don’t have sockets except for specific kinds. And when they do, it’s usually just one, with the exception of maybe a bell possibly having to, though, again, it’s really just specific ones that have those. 

Tip number four is about resistance’s. Always try to have your three primary resistance’s lightning fire and cold maxed out, which is usually about 75, with some exceptions from other passive skills or gear that may push that just a bit higher.

You don’t have to focus hard on chaos, resistance, though you can. But most people’s chaos, resistance is pretty low due to it not being a very common stat to find on gear. There are also other ways to help with chaos, stuff such as passive nodes, certain gear and pantheon choices and so on, focused primarily on the three main ones. After Act five and 10, your resistance’s will get dropped lower. 

So it’s good to always check and make sure you switch up your gear and your stats are even Jewelz to account for this. A lot of people tend to use rings and amulets and belts as their main resistance boosters, but there’s different combinations that you can do. If you’re resistance’s are not maxed out, you will find yourself dying much more easily and more often. Some people think their builds are doing really bad when in actuality it’s just those stats that are too low. 

The final tip I have for this video is to get yourself a loot filter. This will help you sort the loot that you see dropping from enemies. It may not seem super important for someone just starting out, but trust me, the further you go into the game, the more and more loot you will see dropping. It actually gets pretty ridiculous sometimes having what looks to be like fifty items dropping from enemies now and then.

And the loot filter will help by hiding the really useless stuff. And trust me, there is a lot of useless stuff that drops. If you go to filter Bladen, X, Y, Z, you can set up your own loot filter and it can look a little complicated at first. But to start off, you can simply select a strictness level for the filter, download it, then drop it into your path of exile folder in the UI menu. Inside the game you can scroll down to see the loot filter selection. You can click the show folder to see exactly the folder that you need to drop the filter into, and then you can immediately select that filter from the drop down menu.